happiness, quality of work-life commitment, attitude towards online education, job satisfaction, lecturers, BangladeshAbstract
The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 infectious disease during the year 2020 has pierced the life of humankind in almost all countries and all members of the society. This pandemic issue limits one to cope with a changing work environment and it induces both structural and functional consequences on the education system. Thus, the online education system emerged and repositioned itself as one of the most effective mediums of education system recently. This study examined decision factors such as happiness, quality of work-life commitment and attitude toward online education and its influence on job satisfaction of academic staffs in Bangladesh. A quantitative research approach has been taken using a random sampling method to collect data from 293 lecturers working in colleges and universities in the metropolitan city of Dhaka. For the study, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling techniques were performed. The findings helped in filling the satisfaction-behavioural gap in understanding attitude measures of academic staffs toward conducting courses in online mode.
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