non-response, survey, sample size, populationAbstract
Surveys have become indispensable approach for gathering input from diverse people in several fields, including social research, marketing, healthcare, and public opinion polls. However, non-response in surveys is a complex issue that is impacted by a variety of factors. The aim of this study is to enhance approaches to dealing with insufficient sample size resulting from non-response in surveys. This study revealed that there are several approaches in dealing with insufficient sample size due to non-response in surveys, namely: (a) resizing the population by dividing into specific category; (b) ethical and practical constraints as justification; (c) using different sampling techniques in determining sample size; and (d) repositioning the sample of a pilot study and real study. Conclusively, the proposed approaches in this study for addressing non-response and insufficient sample sizes in surveys are anticipated to significantly influence novel methodologies in sampling techniques across a variety of populations. Additional investigation is required to assess the efficacy of several approaches in augmenting the rate of response, including reminders, follow-ups, monetary or non-monetary incentives, and utilisation of online platforms for responding.
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