
  • NURWENI SAPTAWURYANDARI Research Center for Language, Literature, and Community, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • ROHIM Research Center for Manuscript, Literature, and Oral Tradition, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • ASEP SUPRIADI Research Center for Manuscript, Literature, and Oral Tradition, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia.



globalization, identity, popular culture, short stories, cultural values


Globalization that sweeps the world is feared to erode the identity and culture of the nation. It is suspected that globalization also causes popular culture to break through mass media, both digital, print, and written, even though popular culture tends to be hedonistic, pragmatic, and consumptive. Therefore, this study aims to uncover how literary works can anticipate popular culture. The method used is descriptive qualitative studies and literature studies juxtaposed with Sapardi Djoko Damono's theory of literary sociology and Storey's view that cultural texts not only reflect the reality of the times but also produce history and are part of various historical processes and practices. This research step is taken employing data collection, data processing, and data analysis. Data collection was obtained through literature studies in the form of literature from various sources, including the short stories Nafas by Boim Lebon, Pulang Ke Kotamu by Hilman Hariwijaya, and Corel by Gola Gong. The three short stories show that popular culture has permeated the lives of millennials, in the form of attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles. Popular culture can be minimized by instilling local cultural values, multicultural education, and filtering foreign cultures to solidify the nation's cultural identity becomes solid.


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