
  • YANG DI Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • ROSLI ROZAINI Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Selangor, Malaysia.



corporate social responsibility, employee satisfaction, employee performance, higher education institutions


This research explores the intermediary function of employee satisfaction in the linkage between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee performance within the academic sector of Guangzhou. Grounded in both stakeholder theory and social identity theory, the study posits that CSR initiatives significantly bolster employee satisfaction, which subsequently enhances employee performance. The primary research objectives are to assess the degree to which CSR impacts employee satisfaction and to explore its mediating role in influencing employee performance. Utilizing a quantitative methodology, this investigation gathered data from 226 staff members across four distinct universities in Guangzhou via systematically structured questionnaires. The analysis of the collected data indicates a robust positive correlation between CSR activities and employee performance, with employee satisfaction acting as a vital mediating variable. These findings emphasize the crucial role of CSR in cultivating a supportive work atmosphere and highlight its strategic importance in boosting employee outcomes, thereby benefiting the broader organizational context.


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