employee green behavior, green human resource management, green innovation, moral credit, organizational environmental performanceAbstract
At this time, there has been an increasing emphasis devoted to the actions and behaviour of employees at their places of employment as a major factor of environmental issues. Because of this, organizations are starting to implement a wide variety of programs aimed at protecting the environment and implementing green approaches. Moreover, the factors that determine employees' green behaviour (EGB) and green human resource management (GHRM) still need further exploration. The current study gives an understanding by exploring the factors that influence green innovation (GI) and the environmental performance of organizations (OEP). This study data was acquired from 545 employees working in Malaysia's manufacturing sector using the quantitative research approach, and further, it was examined using PLS-SEM. In addition, it was determined that EGB, GHRM, and GI all had a significant positive relationship with OEP. It is important to note that (GI) also acts as a mediator in the interaction between EGB, GHRM, and OEP. Moreover, the association between GI and OEP has been investigated with moral credit serving as a moderator, and the findings confirmed the positive association. Looking at these relationships with OEP and GI to assess their mediation effects is a unique element of this study that significantly contributes to the existing body of research on EGB and GHRM. Furthermore, it provides directions for decision-makers on optimizing green employee behaviour and human resource management in their workplaces, ultimately leading to green innovation to improve organizational environmental performance.
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