product, price, promotion, physical evidence, environment, e-commerceAbstract
This research investigates the impacts of marketing strategies (product, price, promotion, and physical evidence) and the environment on tourist satisfaction in Malaysia by focusing on the moderating influence that e-commerce has in the relationship between environment and tourist satisfaction. Following a quantitative research approach, a structural equation modeling technique called partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to evaluate the hypotheses. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, and a total of 330 completed questionnaires were included in the study. The findings revealed that the presence of physical evidence had no impact on the level of satisfaction experienced by tourists. However, a positive correlation was found between product, price, promotion, and environment. In addition, the findings also indicate that the association between the environment and tourist tourists is not affected by the presence of e-commerce. Through an investigation into the moderating effects of e-commerce on the relationship between environmental factors and tourist satisfaction, this research aims to significantly expand the academic understanding of the impact that marketing strategies and environmental factors have on tourist satisfaction. In conclusion, it is assumed that the outcomes of this study would give adequate insight to scholars and marketing managers in the tourism industry. The findings' implications and further study potential directions are also highlighted.
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