Orang Asli, counselling, counsellor, characteristic, mythAbstract
Counselling, provided by skilled professionals, offers assistance to individuals in navigating personal, emotional, and psychological challenges while fostering personal growth and well-being. For Orang Asli students, counselling holds exceptional significance due to the distinct cultural, socio-economic, and educational obstacles they frequently encounter. These barriers encompass factors such as cultural identity, language impediments, discrimination, poverty, and limited access to educational resources. Counselling proves invaluable for Orang Asli students as it furnishes them with a secure and nurturing space to confront and surmount these challenges. It serves as a platform for them to articulate their thoughts and feelings, gain deeper insight into their experiences, and develop effective coping mechanisms to overcome adversity. Furthermore, counselling aids Orang Asli students in cultivating resilience, enhancing self-esteem, and acquiring vital skills essential for both academic and personal success. Counsellors play a pivotal role in acquainting Orang Asli students with counselling services by exemplifying cultural sensitivity, establishing trust, providing pertinent information, collaborating with community leaders, and coordinating outreach endeavours. Through these initiatives, counsellors endeavour to render counselling services accessible, embraced, and advantageous for Orang Asli students. Overall, counsellors contribute significantly to enhancing the well-being, quality of life, academic accomplishments, and holistic development of Orang Asli students through their unwavering dedication, expertise, and advocacy efforts in providing holistic counselling support.
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