teacher trainees, readers’ theatre, TESL, English languageAbstract
This study aimed to explore teacher trainees’ views of Readers Theatre in the English language classroom. The participants for the study were fifth semester Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL) diploma students from Universiti Selangor who had enrolled in the ELD 2243 course in November 2023. A sample of 44 fifth semester diploma students was purposively chosen to represent the participants of this study. Readers’ theatre was introduced to the students in the 10th week of the semester via lectures and Youtube videos. They were then required to write the scripts and perform the plays in groups of 5 people. At the end of the 14th week, a questionnaire consisting of 12 statements using the 5-point Likert scale was administered to the students. The findings from the study showed that the teacher trainees had mainly positive views about their experience in using Readers Theatre in the ELD 2243 course, and a majority of them would apply the teaching method in their future career as teachers.
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